Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Path

Last Sunday, we decided to go for a drive as a family. We stopped at a nature trail called Painted Rock. It runs along the Little Spokane River. It was a beautiful, crisp, fall afternoon. We read the information regarding the trail. One of the warnings read; Stay on the path. We began our stroll. Well, after walking not 50 feet, Tanner, feeling antsy, wanted to venture off the path. We asked him to stay with us. Up he goes and yelled, "I'll meet you on the other side!" Okay fine, I thought. He then went up further along the cliffs. I must admit, Paul was more concerned than I. Just as I glanced toward the cliff, Tanner lost his footing and started to tumble down the rocky hill. He did a barrel role or two and landed on his behind. I felt an immediate reassurance that he was alright. Paul ran up the hill to help. He said, "This is why we asked you to stay on the path." Tanner apologized. I hugged him and told him I was glad he was alright but remained quiet after that. Sometimes saying nothing is saying everything. He knew falling was the consequence for venturing off the path. Of course the metaphor came as we were walking back in silence, such is the path of life. We warn our children that if they wander off the straight and narrow path, there will be consequences. I feel at times our words are not enough. They desire to find out for themselves, testing the waters, feeling they are somehow solid on shaky ground .... then comes the fall... literally. Sometimes, it's like watching them fall slowly, without being able to catch them. We knew life would be full of choices, trials, disappointments and sorrow before we came to this earth. BUT... we also knew of the beauty, love and lessons we would experience. Oh yeah, and this little thing called agency. We chose to come here anyway. Even though being a parent can be scary, it is mostly joyful. Nothing can compare. Paul and I have shared with the kids that we make mistakes too. We asked Tanner, "Next time mom and dad say, stay on the path, what will you do?" He replied, "Stay on the path." We pray for that daily.


caribickley said...

What an amazing learning experience for Tanner AND Emma. Isn't it great how the Lord provides that for them and protects them at the same time. I think that the Lord will bless parents in the end for rising up to the challenge of raising his children. :) (At least that is what I am counting on!)

naomi3 said...

This lesson that you speak of brought tears to my eyes. It is so wonderful that the Lord picks us up when we fall. Teaching our children this principal is so hard, there is so much out there to tempt them. I'm also grateful for prayer! We can pray for our children daily, that they won't fall, but if they do Heavenly Father is there for them if they will but take his hand.

MCGROVER said...

Sometimes we are blessed with teaching moments in our lives. This certainly was one for you and your family. We are counseled to make memories and this is one that has been recorded for all to read and remember.

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