Saturday, October 18, 2008

Tag I'm it!

Okay here it goes. Guess I've been tagged but you all already know most of this stuff.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago...
1. Still a newlywed
2. Pregnant with Emma
3. Raising a four year old
4. New in the church
5. Starting to sing around town

5 things on my to-do list...
1. Spend time with my family
2. Get estimates for windows we are replacing
3. Go to the movies and eat popcorn
4. Work in the front yard
5. Make Apple Crisp YUM!

5 snacks I enjoy...
1. Cheezits
2. Chips and dip
3. Veggies and fruit
4. Ice cream
5. Twix

5 things I'd do if I were a millionare...
1. Pay off our home
2. Put lots away in savings
3. Travel to Europe finally!
4. Help fund local charity for children
5. Get some new clothes

5 Places I've lived
1. My parents home
2. Spokane
3. Olympia
4. Apartments
5. 3 houses since been married

5 jobs I've had...
1. Baskin Robbins YUM!
2. Dental Assistant INTERESTING!
3. Oral Surgery Assistant GROSS!
4. Dance Instructor FUN!
5. Mom BEST!


caribickley said...

Hey Sheri -
I learned a few things about you!! I must admit that this was fun to do just once. Thanks for playing. LOVE YA

naomi3 said...

I didn't know any of this stuff. Great to get to know you better.
love you

Destenee said...

Sheri- 10 years ago you were MY dance teacher my VERY last year of dance! And it has proably been about that long since I have seen you! Your kids are so big and so dang cute! Tell Paul "Density" says hi! I am so glad I found your blog. You can check you mine, and see my crazy life with my 3 busy kids! Keep in touch!
Destenee Nelson Hartley

caribickley said...

Hi mom -
This is Emma, I am at Aunt Caris house and we are checking out everyone's blogs. I love the picutres that you put on ours. LOVE YOU

naomi3 said...

Have you given up on your blog? I miss reading it.
I do both. Plus you can journal at It is a cool site and you can also have the book printed at the end of the year.

Talk to you later

Blog Archive

Chillin at Doug and Sally's

Relaxing by the fire

Relaxing by the fire
Paul and I at Deer Lake

Auntie Penny, Uncle Wally & my Mama